PCOS affects over 10 million women. Many are unaware that they even have it. Your donation helps us to continue spreading awareness and providing resources to those who have yet to be diagnosed and those who are overcoming the condition. Donate today to PCOS; support groups of women struggling with symptoms.
*Donations over $150 are featured on the DONORS page*
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Donate Through PayPal
Click the link below to donate through Paypal.
Donate By Check
If you'd like to donate by check, send to:
PCOS Awareness Association
2215 PLANK RD #234
Donate With Confidence
Network for Good disburses your donation and Capital One covers the transaction fees. Together they ensure 100% of your donation reaches the PCOS Awareness Association. Click below for more details
Facebook Fundraiser
You can easily create a fundraiser for PCOS Awareness Association. Share it with supporters and encourage them to help you raise money on Facebook.
Giving Assistant

You can make a donation 'in honor of' any occasion in your life, whether it be an anniversary, birthday, or in honor of a special friend. HonorCards can be donated from individuals and groups. You can even print them from your computer or post them to your friends through Facebook and Twitter! Please email donation@pcosaa.org for more information