Endorsement Opportunities


Photo By Shara Hayden Photography

Photo By Shara Hayden Photography

Over the last year, PCOSAA has reached out to numerous public outlets to ask for assistance in helping the over 7 million women in the United States with PCOS. Although we received favorable responses, we have received a few that were heartbreaking. We were informed that Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome was not a “sexy enough” cause to endorse or support.

Women with PCOS suffer from depression and anxiety due to the feeling of inadequacy as women because of the way we may look, or the infertility we may battle. PCOS Awareness Association believes the shaming and bullying needs to end now. Women with PCOS deserve the support of the public and awareness needs to be raised.

You can help change this with a simple Instagram Picture, Twitter Tweet, Facebook Post and/or words of encouragement.

By filling out the Sponsorship Form and mailing it back to us, we will send you a special PCOSAA shirt that says “I Support Women with PCOS”. We ask that you take a candid picture of yourself, wearing the shirt, and post it to your social network pages with these hashtags:

#PCOS #PCOSAA #ISupportPCOS #TeamTeal



* Please note that to qualify for this option you must have a Facebook page with over 5,000 followers, a Twitter profile with over 1,000 followers, and an Instagram profile with over 2,000 followers *