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Why do you want to volunteer at PCOSAA
Please answer
Helping the PCOS Community
How can you help PCOS Awareness Association support the PCOS Community?
Please describe any volunteer experience you may have.
Do you have 3-5 hours a month to volunteer to the organization?
PCOS Awareness Association Code of Conduct
PCOS Awareness Association is registered nonprofit that is dedicated to the advocacy of PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome). PCOS Awareness Association demands the highest ethical performance for all volunteers. To maintain the high standard of conduct expected and deserved by patients, their supporters and the public, and to enable the campaign and website to continue to offer services required by those in need, PCOS AWARENESS ASSOCIATION operates under the following code of conduct, applicable to all volunteers.
No volunteer or employee shall
1. Authorize the use of or use for benefit or advantage of any person the name, logo, emblem, endorsement, services or property of PCOS AWARENESS ASSOCIATION, except in conformance with PCOS AWARENESS ASSOCIATION Policy
2. Accept or seek on behalf of himself/herself or any other person, any financial advantage or gain other than of nominal value, which may be offered because of affiliation with PCOS AWARENESS ASSOCIATION
3. Publicly utilize any PCOS AWARENESS ASSOCIATION affiliation regarding the promotion of partisan politics, religious matters or positions of any issues not in conformity with the position of PCOS AWARENESS ASSOCIATION
4. Disclose any confidential PCOS AWARENESS ASSOCIATION Information that is available solely because of the volunteer’s affiliation with PCOS AWARENESS ASSOCIATION to any person or entity not authorized to receive such information or to use to the disadvantage of PCOS AWARENESS ASSOCIATION any such confidential information, without the expressed authorization of PCOS AWARENESS ASSOCIATION.
5. Knowingly take any action or make any statement intended to influence the conduct of PCOS AWARENESS ASSOCIATION in such a way as to confer any financial benefit of any one person, organization, corporation or entity in which the individual has any significant interest or affiliation.
6. Operate or act in a manner that is contrary to the best interests of PCOS AWARENESS ASSOCIATION.
In the event that the volunteer is unable to operate in the best interests of PCOS AWARENESS ASSOCIATION, conflicts with the interests of any other organization in which the individual has a financial interest or affiliation, the individual shall disclose such conflict to PCOS AWARENESS ASSOCIATION upon becoming aware of it, shall absent himself or herself from any discussions or deliberations on that matter and shall refrain from participating in any decisions or voting in connection with that matter.
I, certify that I have read and understand the code of conduct of PCOS AWARENESS ASSOCIATION and agree to comply with it. I affirm that, except listed below, I have no financial interest or affiliation with any organization which may have, interests that conflict with, or appear to conflict with, the best interests of PCOS AWARENESS ASSOCIATION. Should such conflicts or apparent conflicts of interest arise regarding these affiliations listed below, I agree to refrain from any discussions or deliberations on that matter and shall refrain from participating in any decisions or voting in connection with that matter.
I also agree during the term of my affiliation with PCOS AWARENESS ASSOCIATION, to report promptly to the manager or his/her designee, any future situation that involves, or might appear to involve, me in any conflict with the best interests of PCOS AWARENESS ASSOCIATION.
I, the volunteer for this code of conduct agreement warrant the truthfulness of the information provided in this application.
Please select Yes or No
PCOS Awareness Association Volunteer Agreement
1. As a volunteer I understand that PCOS AWARENESS ASSOCIATION is under no obligation to pay me or provide any form of compensation, other than the enriching experience of contact with and access to information, stimulating individuals, ideas and networks. I am offering my services to PCOS AWARENESS ASSOCIATION as a gift in support of the mission and vision of the organization.
2. During my term of service, I agree to perform the tasks assigned to me in a professional, timely and collegial manner; PCOS AWARENESS ASSOCIATION has made no commitment to me concerning what projects I may be assigned to or minimum or maximum time parameters.
3. PCOS AWARENESS ASSOCIATION may modify my responsibilities, task assignments, work hours and deadlines from time to time, and may terminate my term of service for any reason or no reason at any time in its sole discretion by written, electronic or verbal notification reasonably calculated to reach me.
4. I may resign from my term of service by written, electronic or verbal notification, in which event I will endeavor to minimize disruption to PCOS AWARENESS ASSOCIATION’ programs; in the event of my resignation, I agree to make a good faith effort to complete the tasks I have been assigned and/or assist others who can complete them
5. I understand that I am in no way authorized by PCOS AWARENESS ASSOCIATION to act as its agent for any purpose and I will not claim to have authority to bind PCOS AWARENESS ASSOCIATION to any contract or obligation whatsoever or to represent the views and positions of PCOS AWARENESS ASSOCIATION or its members and other associates in any forum, public or private.
6. I will not use any information I acquire during my term of service for any purpose during or following my association with PCOS AWARENESS ASSOCIATION except to fulfill the responsibilities I have been assigned by PCOS AWARENESS ASSOCIATION and on behalf of PCOS AWARENESS ASSOCIATION, or with the written permission of an officer of PCOS AWARENESS ASSOCIATION.
7. I will not disclose any confidential or proprietary information or material about or by PCOS AWARENESS ASSOCIATION, including but not limited to: designs, logos, plans, programs, curricula, or other intellectual or administrative property except as expressly authorized by PCOS AWARENESS ASSOCIATION.
8. The ownership of any intellectual property developed for or contributed to PCOS AWARENESS ASSOCIATION by the volunteer solely or in collaboration with anyone else will remain the property of the volunteer with a non-exclusive, lifetime license without further compensation unless explicit contractual agreement for compensation has been arranged with PCOS AWARENESS ASSOCIATION in advance. Should I contribute intellectual property created by or claimed to be created by others, I agree to indemnify PCOS AWARENESS ASSOCIATION for any costs or damages to which it may become liable as a result thereof. I further understand that this provision includes but is not limited to is written, oral, electronic, digital. web and other designs, writing and photographs.
9. During my term of service, I agree to provide advance notice to PCOS AWARENESS ASSOCIATION of any public appearances or publication of my writings, or writings about me of which I am aware, that could reasonably be interpreted as reflecting the positions or views of PCOS AWARENESS ASSOCIATION, and will, if so requested by PCOS AWARENESS ASSOCIATION, issue reasonable clarifications to prevent such interpretation.
10. I understand that PCOS AWARENESS ASSOCIATION will not be providing any employment-type benefits to me during my term of service, such as health or other insurance.
11. The obligations I have agreed to in paragraphs 6, 7 and 8 of this agreement will survive the termination of my term of service for any reason. This agreement is the entire agreement between me and PCOS AWARENESS ASSOCIATION and can only be modified in a writing signed by an officer of PCOS AWARENESS ASSOCIATION. This agreement is governed by Washington law and any disputes arising here from shall be exclusively determined by binding arbitration in Washington.
I, the volunteer for this volunteer agreement warrant the truthfulness of the information provided in this application.
Please select Yes or No