Happy New Year Lovelies!
I hope you’re enjoying the start of 2015! I cannot believe how fast it has come around!Now then, NEW YEARS RESOLUTIONS! I make a habit of not making any resolutions because words are often meaningless without actions and actions really make the difference! I love the idea of joining a gym and going every day but that's just not practical for me at the moment, and I hate gyms. I prefer my exercise to not intrude too much on my day, so cycling to a place I need to be has always been my preferred workout method!
My Plan
Last year I was 1 stone 5 pounds heavier than I am now. This time next year, I will be 2 stone lighter than I am now. That’s not up for debate in my mind, and I see it as fact. I’m on a weight loss journey and well, slow and steady does win the race!
I never stopped counting my calories using 'Myfitnesspal' app but christmas and new year just feels like a tougher time to control everything, and I may have had the odd biscuit or couple of Cadbury Roses here and there which I didn’t log in my app. (Ooooops!) But, right back on it now, all the Roses and goodies are gone! I’m only cheating myself if I cheat my calorie app! I'm sitting at my desk right now eating tomato soup for my lunch which is souper tasty...(apparently it's lame jokes o'clock)✌️ So bring it on 2015, I’m ready! 😁
I'm always worried about what i'm eating because my job means I sit behind a desk all day. I've found a place to park just outside the city which means I can park for free and cycle in to work! (4 miles a day) Which will make a huge difference to me and hopefully my now stagnant weight loss will kick back into gear again!!!
Think about what you want to achieve or what you want to improve on this year, but never cease to forget what you’ve already achieved, because quite often, it’s really quite spectacular. ✌️
(Also, I stopped taking my pill this month as a bit of an experiment! I’ll let you know how that works out for me)
Have a beautiful week
Katherine x