Self Improving September

The beginning of a new school year, the start of fall, a new football season (Go Giants!), pumpkin lattes, pumpkin muffins, and pumpkin everything! Yeah---September is a great month! And better yet…it’s PCOS Awareness Month!  Since it’s the start of all new activities, why not make it a fresh start for ourselves? Our schedules may be hectic, working 9-5, cooking dinner, getting the kids washed up and ready for school for the next morning. There are really never enough hours in the day to get everything done, and with all the hustle and bustle we tend to neglect our healthy lifestyles (because it’s just been easier to throw some burgers and hot dogs on the grill). Although I do love a good hot dog over the summer with ketchup, mustard and sauerkraut, YUM, healthy choices are extremely important to have, especially for us women with PCOS.

We should all come up with some sort of self-improving goal, whether it be l o n g term or short term, big goal or small goal. We should do something for ourselves, for our health, for our bodies. For example; losing five pounds, enjoying a brisk walk after dinner, or even skipping out on desert (yes—that means giving up “Buy One Get One Free Wednesdays” at Carvel). When we start seeing changes, we start feeling happy, when we start feeling happy, we start feeling motivated, when we start feeling motivated we become determined not to give up. Don’t give up. We all know the struggle and we all know how hard it is with PCOS to stay on track, but that’s why we’re all here. We cysters know what each and every one of us are going through because all of us have PCOS. We’re all here for support and that’s one of my goals—to support, to guide, to mentor.

Along with my goal to be a supporter and uploading PCOS related recipes and fitness plans for us all to stay on track with, I think that my new “Self-Improving September Resolution” is to lose 10-15lbs by the holidays (‘cuz lord knows I’m not missing out on my traditional Italian Christmas feast!). This summer was difficult to stay focused and I have to admit I fudged up. Between BBQs, and beer, and get together’s with family and friends, I didn’t really have much time for anything, especially myself. I neglected a lot of my healthy life style like running, staying under 1200 calories a day, and even my sit-ups and burpees. I gained a little weight, and really need to get back into the swing of things. I think that this September allows for a much needed fresh start for myself and for everyone, and a time to make some necessary changes…Especially for us PCOSers!

This is a before and after picture of me from when I was first diagnosed with PCOS, until just last year. This is my motivation for Self Improving September. If I can do it, we all can do it...together!

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What’s your September Resolution?!

“It’s not selfish to love yourself, take care of yourself, and to make your happiness a priority. It’s Necessary.” – Mandy Hale